A burst of, well, blog.

Learning is fun.. sort of

Parents, print this out and give it to your kids. 🙂

1. You won’t annoy your parents.

2. You’ll get a good job

3.  You’ll meet (hopefully) the right friends

4. You won’t annoy your parents

5. You won’t annoy your parents

Comments on: "5 Reasons to Stay in School." (4)

  1. I want to make this into a poster and hang it in my classroom. =)

  2. I would not go around telling my kid #2. Too much of a promise.

    • Yeah…. I tell them you will have a better chance to a good job. I just took out probably. My daughter is a bit young, so I don’t want to crush her dreams.

  3. You are right. And staying in school and getting at least bachelor’s degree is a good idea, unless you…well, there is always Bill Gates’ way 🙂

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