A burst of, well, blog.

Archive for June, 2011

A few reasons you don’t promise

I don’t promise. My kids can’t promise. Id I were you, I wouldn’t promise. if you still will do it, follow the steps below.

1. Describe how, when, where, why, what.

(Wrong: I promise. Right: I promise to clean up your room at 3:00 PM with my hands because I. lost a bet)

2. Don’t lie.

3. DONT PROMISE TO YOUR KIDS! Something’s bound to go wrong.

4. Try to limit your promises.

5. Make sure you can do your promise!

No. I don’t know about you, but I just won’t.

I will never, EVER, clean my kids’ rooms. Not in a million years. I don’t see not one positive side of that (except for the child). “Can you clean my room?” is officially banned from our household. My kids think I’m being mean, but honestly, I’m helping them. If you disagree, tell me why on comments… I might not sound like it, but I’m more open minded than you think.

Is this normal……

“But, dad!” I hear that alot. But this time, it was about this game called Modern Warfare 2. Mind you, he is in the sixth grade. By the time he uttered out the title, I said no. Then he tried persuading me to say yes to a war game. He said he wants to know what it feels like to be at war and it’ll help him appreciate soldiers. I told him if he wants to know what it feels like, join ROTC. He begged and pleaded, and my wife cam in and told him those were the things rotting SIXTH GRADERS minds. Then he had the guts to tell me it was rated M. (over 17 years old to play). I told him to get out of my sight.  🙂


I don't care if your friends have it.

5 Reasons to Stay in School.

Learning is fun.. sort of

Parents, print this out and give it to your kids. 🙂

1. You won’t annoy your parents.

2. You’ll get a good job

3.  You’ll meet (hopefully) the right friends

4. You won’t annoy your parents

5. You won’t annoy your parents

Drugs and Schools: The Good News

Yes, their is good news when it comes to drugs and schools.

Even elementary schools are starting to have Red Ribbon Week (say no to drugs). Me and my child had a talk about how drugs can ruin your whole life and never to accept drugs. She is seven years old. She asked questions, I gave answers. The next day, she said she got a sticker to put on her shirt that said, “2 Cool 4 Drugs”. When she got home, she stuck it on her wall.

The next day, we went to the pharmacy to get my pills. The bag said drugs on it. Me and my daughter had another long talk about good and bad drugs!

No, you probably can’t sing.

But that doesn’t mean you can’t be a singer! There are many singers how have absolutely NO TALENT but are singers! So, why not?

Is it me, or are singers singing horribly at live concerts but they sing like little angels on their album? It seems like more and more people are ditching their real voice for autotune. In case you didn’t know, autotune is a software that alters somebodies voice to make it fit the music. Take for example, Britney Spears. Have you heard Femme Fatale?! Autotune is here crutch. Personally, I think she lost her singing talent. More and more artist, like Nicki Minaj and Lady Gaga are turning autotune to the max. I’m just happy we have Adele 🙂


Auttune is destroying music

You Might have an OLD MAN NAME!

I was in a store. The cashier asked me for my name, and I calmly said, “Norman Jones.” Then, out of nowhere, The child behind me, about 4 years old, laughed and said, “That’s an old man name!” His mother got extremely angry and told him that his father will hear about what he just said and to apologize to me. He started crying, and, sure enough, walked up to me and said. “Sorry sir. I’m sorry for being mean to your name and I  actually like your name.” I thought that was the cutest thing.

I looked online and actually found a city named Norman. Once, I thought about it, I actually liked the name. I remember I used to be called “Normal Norman” and “Normie” by the girls. I hated my name back then. But now I love it. How things change.

Ghost don’t scare me. People do.


Criminals can be scary

As a kid, I was never scared of ghosts, or goblins, or even vampires. At the playground, kids would hunt ghosts. Almost everybody had seen a ghost under their bed except me. One kid even  supposedly told other kids when they will be haunted at night. I could’ve cared less when I would be “haunted.” You might say, “Well, Norman, You must have lived a paranoid-free life!” Wrong.

People scared me. No, I wasn’t completely against my siblings. No, I wasn’t just scared of any old person. I was scared that evil thieves would come into my house and steal the very stuffed animal right out of my tiny hands. I grew up watching way to much news, and I just got flat out paranoid.  I would always have these nightmares about criminals breaking into my house. Call me crazy.

What were you scared of as a kid?

The Burst.

The Burst is a blog where absolutely ANYTHING can happen. It’s kind of like a burst of life, fun, humor, seriousness, chuckles, cries,  head turning, hungry-making, controversial, happy energy. Well, in a nutshell, the burst is a blog. A simple, no strings attached, short and sweet blog. That’s The Burst.