A burst of, well, blog.

I was in a store. The cashier asked me for my name, and I calmly said, “Norman Jones.” Then, out of nowhere, The child behind me, about 4 years old, laughed and said, “That’s an old man name!” His mother got extremely angry and told him that his father will hear about what he just said and to apologize to me. He started crying, and, sure enough, walked up to me and said. “Sorry sir. I’m sorry for being mean to your name and I  actually like your name.” I thought that was the cutest thing.

I looked online and actually found a city named Norman. Once, I thought about it, I actually liked the name. I remember I used to be called “Normal Norman” and “Normie” by the girls. I hated my name back then. But now I love it. How things change.

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